Monday, August 24, 2020

How Efficient Are The Oral Anticoagulants Over Warfarin Assignment

How Efficient Are The Oral Anticoagulants Over Warfarin - Assignment Example Then again, the activity new oral anticoagulants in the body; dabigatran, for this situation, can be switched utilizing hemodialysis. This technique attempts to expel dabigatran from the body in 3 hours thus it very well may be utilized to treat dabigatran poisonousness. Dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and apixaban are killed from the body through the renal framework. Prior to their organization, clinicians are encouraged to analyze and find out the patient's creatinine freedom utilizing the Cockcroft-Gault equation. This will help in deciding the measurement prerequisite for different patients. In warfarin organization, there is no concurred system of controlling the measurements to patients. The medication has been being used for a long time yet clinicians don't have an away from for deciding the perfect measure of the medication to be directed to patients. Different variables that hinder the capacity of warfarin have been recognized and they fluctuate from patient to persistent. This mak es it hard for clinicians to determine the right measurement for different patients. This is one reason that make warfarin not so much compelling but rather more perilous contrasted with the new oral anticoagulants. All the above contentions present proof against the utilization of warfarin. It constraints has made it ineffectual for clinical use yet in spite of this, it is as yet utilized by clinicians everywhere throughout the world since there is no settled remedy for the conditions it treats. New oral anticoagulants, then again, have been found to have lesser imperfections and are increasingly successful in rewarding patients with nonvalvular AF.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Lord Alfred Tennyson as a Victorian Essay -- essays research papers

Tennyson as a Victorian      The Victorian age was an age where numerous progressions happened socially, financially, and mechanically. Individuals started to investigate into zones, for example, the earth, the human body, and how to profit the every day lives of people. English writing was likewise something that was starting to be created. Individuals' considerations and thoughts likewise changed with the advancement of the nation. The people groups' thoughts turned out to be all the more free and they acknowledged change all the more effectively, yet not every person needed to confess to change. Individuals started to pose more inquiries about existence, which provoked the advancement of science and numerous individuals started to scrutinize the good book. The change caused a lot of disarray and caution, which provoked English scholars to acknowledge duty and expound on new musings, convictions, and emotions.      Alfred Tennyson, who is an extremely celebrated writer, is regularly viewed as the main delegate of the Victorian age in verse. Tennyson was a man who had seen torment and distress in his life. After the demise of his closest companion, Arthur Hallam, Tennyson discovered help from his agony recorded as a hard copy. A significant number of his works were without a doubt about his dead companion. For instance in "The Passing of Arthur, the saint has a similar name as Tennyson's companion and furthermore numerous melodious sonnets, that later were to become In Memorian A.H.H. These composing were loaded with feelings, torment, dread, mindful, and the longing to recall his companion. Nearly all through all ...

Thursday, July 23, 2020

The 10 Worst Mistakes Career Changers Can Make

The 10 Worst Mistakes Career Changers Can Make Someday you might find yourself sitting at your desk wondering what life would be like if you’ve chosen a different career path. In today’s world, it doesn’t even need to be a distant dream â€" career change is possible and many people take the steps to change their career paths in wild ways.But change is not always easy. If you don’t approach the career change the right way, you might end up feeling sad and angry. So, what are the big mistakes to avoid? Here are the ten worst mistakes career changers can make to help you avoid them. JUMPING INTO A NEW CAREER WITHOUT SELF-REFLECTIONA big mistake to make is simply rushing to your career change without giving it a proper thought. Career changers can simply look at a career and go after it without properly analyzing their skills regarding the new path.But if you just rush to a new career path like this, you can make the change a lot harder and end up in another role you don’t love â€" if you are lucky of even making the change happen.It’s important to take a moment to self-reflect. You need to look at your transferable skills and your strengths (and weaknesses) in terms of your desired career path. Do you have what it takes? What are the areas you need to focus on improving? What are the unique skills you have?You should also understand what it is that you’re looking for with the change. It would be useful to answer the following questions:What do you want from your career?What are you looking for from the new career path? What does it provide you that your cu rrent career path doesn’t?The answers will help you understand if you’re making the change for the right reasons. You’ll understand the challenges but also the strengths you might have to venture on this new adventure.PICKING A CAREER PATH WITHOUT PROPER RESEARCHAside from reflecting on your own skills and career wants, you should also study the industry and roles you want to move into before committing to it. Your idea of the career might not actually be what the reality is like and you don’t want to end up making the wrong decision. You want to dig deep and truly figure out what the industry is like and what you need to do to succeed in the new career.It’s important to talk to people working in the industry. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people on LinkedIn, for example, and ask them about the roles. You can also talk to recruitment professionals to learn. Check out industry-related blogs and read job profiles from company websites. This will all help you get a cleare r picture of what the sector is like and what it takes to succeed in the career.Make sure you don’t just learn about the good stuff. Ask people to be honest about the negative things too. It’s important you make the career change based on a realistic view of what’s in front of you â€" you don’t want to end up in a career that won’t fit your skills or your personality.MAKING THE CHANGE BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT HAPPY IN YOUR CURRENT JOBThere are also a number of wrong reasons for embarking on a career change and one of them is unhappiness in what you have now. Of course, it’s common to change careers if you don’t like where you’ve ended up â€" most people would be driven to the change just because they want something else.But the point here is to understand that career change isn’t always the answer for unhappiness in your current job. Just because you are unhappy in your current role, doesn’t mean you should move on to a completely new industry. Don’t be disillusion ed in thinking the answer is always career change.You might not really be unhappy about the industry or your style of work. It might just be the organization or the team that doesn’t suit you. You could end up being happy doing what you are doing now by simply changing the company or taking a small break from it all â€" there are tons of routes to explore if you find yourself unhappy at work.So, if you find yourself unhappy at work, analyze carefully what the reason is. Don’t start swapping careers until you’ve thought about other ways of making your work seem more exciting and motivating. STARTING FULL-TIME STUDIES WITHOUT TESTING THE FIELDWith the above in mind, it’s important to research and explore. It’s a big mistake to just enroll in a full-time course and leave your old life behind. In fact, if you can get a bit of experience in the new field, you might find it easier to make the change later. You’ll be more informed about your decision and you’ll have a bit of knowledge in the sector already.What this means is learning about the industry and the new job position. Aside from talking to professionals in the field, you might also want to read industry books (even textbooks!) and perhaps study part-time first. You can often find online courses or YouTube videos that give you an insight into the kind of skills needed in the industry. You could even consider volunteering if it’s an option in the field and get to know the industry a bit better.This will all provide you more knowledge. You get to test the waters and check out how your skills might work in the industry. You won’t end up studying a degree that you won’t even use, wasting good years on the career ladder. But you’ll see if the change is what you really want and you identify the route to your goals.LISTENING TO EXTERNAL FACTORSA career change should always begin with you and not from an external factor. You shouldn’t look for another industry just because it seems popular or because your close friends are swapping careers. If someone tells your talent would better fit another industry, don’t just drop your career and follow their advice.The desire to change careers must come from you. You must have the drive and passion to pursue this new adventure because your heart and mind tells you to. You can’t go after a career change purely because others are doing it or telling you to do it. Prestige, money and fame are external factors â€" you shouldn’t let them determine what you should do. Sure, you might start making more or become famous but these are not a reason for pursuing change.The problem with listening to external factors is that it will eventually just come down to you. You won’t succeed in your career if you don’t actually have the passion â€" you’ll soon find yourself unhappy again, wishing you could do something different. It’s not a bad idea to take note of what is happening in the world around you and to listen to people’s opi nions but don’t allow them to be in the driving seat.NOT SPEAKING TO OUTSIDERS ABOUT THE CHANGEWhile you definitely don’t want others to direct your career change, it would also be a mistake to do this all without talking to others. You don’t want to embark on such a massive project without discussing the ins and outs of the move with your nearest and dearest.Naturally, it’s important to discuss the topic with your family â€" especially if you’re in a relationship with someone. Your family can have all sorts of insightful opinions that can help you reflect on this decision. You might also find it useful to talk to your closest friends, the people that know you the best and who might be able to help you examine your own reasoning behind the change.But on top of this, you should talk to colleagues and other professionals about the change. This gives a more professional angle to the situation â€" you can talk more about what the career change at this point means professionall y. If you know someone who’s changed careers, you definitely talk to them to get tips on what you should expect.Now, talking to a career or recruitment specialist can be extremely useful. You can get concrete help in terms of what things you might need to do and the steps you should take to make the change as smooth as possible.Speaking with professionals, colleagues and even friends can also help with networking. Reaching out to people in the industry is crucial for making connections and getting your foot through the industry door. ALLOWING MONEY TO BE THE DECIDING FACTORThe above mistakes have already briefly touched on the subject of money. Career changers shouldn’t ever let money be the deciding factor. In the long-term running after money won’t make you happy or to help you feel professionally fulfilled. You might end up with a bigger salary but burnt out because you don’t enjoy what you are doing.If you just follow the money, you will find yourself longing for somethi ng else. You can end up becoming bitter or bored at what you do. Ultimately, if you aren’t happy doing what you do, you won’t be very good at it and this can hinder your ability to make money. You might find yourself stuck on a career ladder not being able to climb because the desire is not there.It’s OK to want to earn a good living but changing careers isn’t the only way to do this. You should always be thinking of different ways to put your current talent to work â€" find those passive income streams or ways to make more money.If you’re just disappointed at how much you are making but you still like your industry and job, you should do a few things. You need to:Check what the industry average is for your role. If you are making a lot less than the average, you might want to consider talking about a raise with your boss. If you are earning a lot more already but you’re still not happy, consider seeking a promotion or taking a step upwards in the career ladder.Think wha t you want the money for and whether there are other ways of feeling more financially fulfilled. Consider saving or looking into investing options. Explore your thinking around money â€" why do you want it and what it would mean for you? Perhaps you are just trying to reach a specific income because your thinking around money is flawed.NOT PLANNING FOR THE TRANSITION MENTALLY AND FINANCIALLYIt’s a big mistake to think your career change will be a breeze. Jumping into a new career won’t happen overnight in most cases and you need to be prepared for what this can mean to your wellbeing and finances. Don’t approach career change lightly.If you need to step out of the career ladder in order to make the change, it can be tough on your finances. It’s important to plan for this and have a budget in place for getting through the era of unemployment. You need to be realistic â€" you might have to change your lifestyle before you get a new job. It’s important to also have a realisti c approach to finding a job and your finances. You shouldn’t think you’ll only need two months to get the job â€" if the third month starts and your savings have run out, you’ll be in trouble.But career changers shouldn’t just plan their finances. Changing from one career to another can be rather taxing on your mind even if you really want the change. You might love the industry but being back in school might not be quite as fun. It might also become a mental struggle to survive the lonely days of job hunting when you’ve been used to sitting in the office with other people. Even the new job might not seem as excitable after a few months â€" it’s easy to get the honeymoon blues.You should have support along the way. It’s important to talk to someone about the things you’re going through and to remember to wind down. Don’t just let your life be consumed by the change â€" go out and do other things too.FORGETTING ABOUT THE JOB APPLICATION SKILLSFinding the right role in a new industry is not just about your skills and abilities. You shouldn’t just focus on your skills when switching careers. You also need to be practical about the whole process â€" you will, essentially, need to be good at applying for jobs.If you haven’t been job-hunting in a long time, you should take enough time to brush up on your job application skills and knowledge before you start. This can help take some of the stress out of the process. You’ll make the process much smoother and you can, hopefully, find yourself in a new job much quicker.What you need to do is:Understand the job application process.Learn to write the best resumes and cover letters.Perform well in the job interviews.If you don’t focus on these skills on your career change journey, you might find it stressful and uncomfortable. You might not be as good as presenting your transferable skills and you’ll just end up frustrating yourself over the lack of job interviews and offers. Being good at apply ing for jobs is an important skill and it can help you succeed in your new career change.STARTING TO SECOND-GUESS YOUR ABILITIESWhen you commit to the career change and when you’ve avoided the above mistakes, you need to put 100% of your effort into making the change happen. If you know it’s what you want and what you need at this point in your career then go for it with all you got and don’t start second-guessing.It won’t always be easy and it might seem like you can’t do it at times. But it can be done! Your skills are not just suited for a single career and there are stories of people changing careers well into their forties and fifties! If you believe in the change and you are passionate about it, then you can do it. You need to trust your ability and your decision â€" your skills will find a fitting career if you just remember to look for it in the right places and with the right intentions. So, continue to work hard and stay focused.THE BOTTOM LINE OF CHANGING CAREER SCareer change is possible. However, it will take time and you need to do your research. Don’t expect to know what a different career would be like or to think it’s the only road to happiness. You must be willing to evaluate your own skills and desires and to learn about the industry you’re getting into before you make the change.But when you’ve made up your mind go full steam ahead! It can be the best decision you’ve made and provide you with a rewarding career.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished - 965 Words

Natalie Eisenmenger Ms. Haesemeyer Advanced Studies English 9 7 April 2017 Capital Punishment Over the centuries, capital punishment has fallen in and out of public support. In several countries, the practice has been overruled by law. In others, it is simply not exercised. More than half of U.S. states still practice capital punishment for capital crimes. Often, innocent people are sentenced to death because of circumstantial evidence. Capital punishment should be abolished in all fifty U.S. states because of the several alternatives to the death penalty and it accounts for numerous wrongful convictions each year. Capital punishment is a growing dispute among many Americans, as the citizens find ways to argue both sides of the†¦show more content†¦Because of this, an entire program has been dedicated to death row survivors who were wrongfully sentenced called Witness to Innocence (Evans). Without solid evidence, many cases are based solely on testimonies from eyewitnesses and essentially theories of how someone could be the culprit. Those convicte d and sentenced to capital punishment are often done so because of the response of human nature to seek retribution in the form of strident punishment for persons who have committed cruel crimes (â€Å"Life†). With cases being exonerated each year, many assume that it is okay for these innocent people, that they can plainly return to their old life. But most have lost countless years of their life along with their jobs, homes, money, friends, and family. Ray Krone was the 100th death row inmate in America to be freed after being wrongfully convicted of a capital offense. He was released after serving 10 years in prison, all the while being on death row, for a crime he had no involvement in (Evans). Blameless people, with lives, have everything taken from them, nearly costing them their lives, for a mistake their jury, judge, and prosecutors made against them. But those include only the lucky victims of this misunderstanding. There is a likely chance that many people were executed before being proven innocent. Because of the possibility of taking an innocent life, many Americans would prefer to use different methods onShow MoreRelatedCapital Punishment Should Not Be Abolished1541 Words   |  7 Pagestime, if a person committed a severe crime, like murder or rape, they were executed to maintain peace in the community and to bring comfort to those who knew the victim. Capital punishment has been used in almost every part of the world, but in the last few decades many countries have abolished it. The issue of capital punishment has been a sensitive topic for nations attempting a careful balancing act between prisoner’s rights and legal defense teams and society’s laws on cases of extreme gravityRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Not Be Abolished901 Words   |  4 Pagesgovernment (â€Å"Capital Punishment in the United States†). Capital punishment is being debated all over the world whether it is murder or justice for the crime they have committed. Statistics show that murderers often kill again after releasement from prison. The Bureau of Justice gives relevant statistics pertaining to murderers who were released from prison: in 1994 40.7% of murderers were arrested for a new crime within three years of release (United States Department of Justice). Capital punishment shouldRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished1115 Words   |  5 Pagesjail time, house arrest, and/or having to pay fines. Crimes that are severe can lead to greater punishment, like spending life in prison. The most severe crimes can lead one to an equally severe punishment known as capital punishment. Capital punishment is the authorization to kill someone for the crime he or she has committed. Capital punishment, commonly referred to as the death penalty, should be abolished in all states because it can put innocent lives at risk, it costs millions of dollars each yearRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Not Be Abolished750 Words   |  3 PagesCapital Punishment Should Not be Abolished There are many reasons why the United States of America keeps capital punishment. These reasons include the deterrence theory, the idea of retribution, cost of prisons, and general safety of the public. First of all, I’m sure that you have heard of the deterrence theory. Deterrence is basically the fear of punishment; and even though it doesn’t prevent all crimes, the results are still undeniable. The deterrence theory is when criminals thinkRead MoreCapital Punishment Should be Abolished883 Words   |  4 Pages Capital punishment is the punishment of death for a crime given by the state. It is used for a variety of crimes such as murder, drug trafficking and treason. Many countries also have the death penalty for sexual crimes such as rape, incest and adultery. The lethal injection, the electric chair, hanging and stoning are all methods of execution used throughout the world. Capital punishment has been around since ancient times; it was used in ancient Rome, and one of the most famous people to be crucifiedRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished1137 Words   |  5 PagesThe case for capital punishment Topic: why capital punishment should continue General purpose: To argue Specific purpose: my main aim is to convince the audience that capital punishment should be upheld. In other, the advantages of capital punishment outweigh its disadvantages. Introduction Capital punishment is also known as death penalty and it has been in existence since time immemorial. Throughout history, the death penalty has been used to punish a number of crimes that include murderRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished1955 Words   |  8 Pagesit has become apparent that capital punishment should be abolished worldwide. Around the world, various countries continue to practice this brash, inhumane punishment. The legal system is intended to regulate citizen’s behaviour which aims to provide a smooth functioning society. When someone is sentenced to death, the legal system loses the â€Å"fair† aspect of the proceedings, as under no circumstances is the death penalty â€Å"fair†. Capital punishment should be abolished because it violates Section 12Read MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished1135 Words   |  5 Pagesname -unknown. Nobody should ever have to hear these words. Especially coming from their own state the one that is supposed to protect their rights no matter what. Capital punishment should be abolished from the United States. The number one goal of the constitution is to protect the life of an individual and the death penalty passes by this. The death penalty is an easy way out of the crime, it is expensive, philosophers and even psychologists disagree with capital punishment and most important itRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished Essay1293 Words   |  6 PagesApproaching the topic of capital punishment is difficult when looking at society as a whole. In the opinion stated by my class group, capital punishment should be entirely abolished due to the possibility of mistakes while sentencing. This idea relies on the basis that capital punishment has absolutely no purpose or benefit. Members of my group mistakenly used a utilitarianist point of view to argue their case, even though this view can be stretched to fit almost any argument. This paper will exploreRead MoreCapital Punish ment Should Be Abolished1439 Words   |  6 Pagesto outlaw capital punishment in America completely. We are meant to be better and bigger than this then why do w still have this barbaric law in practice it is inhumane, morally wrong and expensive. In my paper I will try to cover the taboo topic of capital punishment and why it should be abolished because if we as a society want to grow and advance in a sophisticated society we must abolish the death penalty all across the land. To begin with I must explain what capital punishment really is and

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Defining A Failed State Of The Soviet Union - 1992 Words

Defining a failed state Before the many faults of the term ‘failed state’ can be enumerated, it is obviously pertinent to define what exactly is meant by the phrase. The idea of a state that does not meet certain requirements (i.e. fails) largely came to prominence in the last few decades, just before the turn of the 20th century and after the fall of the Soviet Union. Since then, the concept has morphed and shifted in response to development by its proponents and criticism by its detractors. Although accepted as a contemporary facet of foreign policy discourse, the term has its conceptual basis in early state formation theory. An early definition of a state asserts that a state succeeds (i.e. does not fail) if it maintains the legitimate use of force within its borders (Weber 1919). This thread of legitimate force became a major part of state failure theorising and, in the 1990s, many definitions added to this. Helman Ratner (1992: 3) defined a state as a failure if it was unable to sustain i ts position as a member of the international community or function independently, emphasising the internationalist perspective of failed states. Further extensions to the term categorise a failed state as unable to provide internal services to its citizens, such as the provision of public goods and governance, the maintenance of law and order, the security of borders, and the protection of its population (Zartman 1995; Jones 2008: 180); a failure to do so thereby signifies a loss ofShow MoreRelatedThe Cuban Missile Crisis Was A Twenty Day Crisis923 Words   |  4 Pagesthe United States and the Soviet Union. This crisis occurred on October 14, 1962 and ended on October 28, 1962. The crisis involved the placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba by the Soviet Union and the caused concern for the United States due to the closeness of Cuba. This placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba was due to the failed Bay of Pigs fiasco and Cuba’s need for protection against the United States inv ading in the future. The Bay of Pigs was a failed mission of the United States that happenedRead MoreFidel Castro Is The Man Associated With The Failure And1037 Words   |  5 Pageswhich was a defining moment in Castro’s political life. As the leader of Cuba during the Cold War and Cuban missile crisis, he was responsible for defending Cuba sovereignty and interests amongst the superpower - the United States and Soviet Union. Memoirs would argue that former US President Kennedy believed Castro was a very important player in the Cold War while others believed he was Khrushchev’s pawn helping the Soviet Union carry out a proxy war in Cuba against the United States. Using memoirsRead MoreThe Soviet Union And Ukraine1336 Words   |  6 PagesThesis: Holodomor was marked by negative relationships between the Soviet Union and Ukraine that would introduce a series of conflicts between the two nations, intensifying political tensions. Introduction Information: †¢ An indirect attack on the Ukrainian village, which traditionally had been a key element in Ukrainian national culture (Ukraine) †¢ Holodomor is the Great Famine of 1932-1933, it was man-made as a result of Stalin’s policies (Ukraine) †¢ Holodomor means â€Å"killing by hunger† (Mace)Read MoreHitler s The Darkest Days1666 Words   |  7 Pagesunderestimation of the Allied Powers, battles of many fronts and failure of German military forces was a defining moment in the Second World War as that has contributed to his downfall and surrender as the German Nazi Leader. The underestimation of the Allied Powers was one of Hitler’s greatest mistakes during World War 2 (WWII). On June 22, 1941, Germany invaded its erstwhile ally the Soviet Union, codenamed Operation Barbarossa. Hitler assumed that the takeover of land would be quite easy, as he presumedRead MoreOlzhas Suleimenov Raised Awareness for the Need of Nuclear Disarmament771 Words   |  4 Pagespart of the Soviet Union. It is worth to mention that we as a nation and an independent country have experienced a great influence from the Russian Empire that had reflected on our culture, economy, literature, science, and other aspects of life. However, being under the Soviet pressure has brought a lot of negative consequences as well. One of them was nuclear weapon testing conducted on Kazakh land during the harsh opposition between two powerful countries such as the Soviet Union and the UnitedRead MoreCauses of the Cold War Essay1570 Words   |  7 Pagesof the Orthodox view. Other histori ans revised this idea therefore blame the United States actions for the origins of the Cold War, which were analyses of the Revisionist. Later, the Post-revisionist view was adopted; its goal was not to blame any side but focused on examining â€Å"what† caused the start of it. The collapse of the good-natured American Soviet relations was most significantly caused by the Soviet Union expanding it borders, violating its allied agreements, and imposing communistic governmentsRead MoreThe Fire that Changed America723 Words   |  3 PagesThe Cold War was a new conflict that began to rise after the horrific and globally destructive World War II in the mid-20th century between two powerful countries, the democratic United States of America and the communist government of the Soviet Union. Both countries highlighted its superiority through a thriving threat of nuclear weapons and wide-ranging espionage and counter-espionage between the two countries. In the 1950’s, space b ecame the platform for the competition of supremacy to validateRead MoreThe Communist System696 Words   |  3 Pageshelps to know what communism is. The system has six defining characteristics: a monopoly of power, rigid discipline and strict hierarchy, it contains a centralized command economy (which fixed prices on everything produced), the state owns production, also the citizen’s sense of belonging to communism, and finally, the desire of the citizen to further the communist cause. (Brown, 2) The communist system also demands total submission to the state government, and the desire of the ordinary workingRead MoreThe 70s Are Not Totally Happy `` Days1667 Words   |  7 Pagesthough he disliked Johnson. The Cold War was a state of political tension after World War II between rivals the Soviet Union and the United States of America. The Eastern Bloc was a group made of communist states throughout Eastern and Central Europe. The Soviet Union was mainly involved, especially with the countries of the Warsaw Pact. The United States, was supported by NATO and other neighboring allies. The Soviet Union was know for satellite states, especially fighting independently. The WesternRead MoreEssay on Fog of War Film Analysis931 Words   |  4 PagesNearly 160 million people were killed during the 20th century, and film maker Errol Morris wished to show the reason for this in documentary form. He interviewed former US secretary of Defense Arnold McNamara and the two discussed and analyzed some defining moments in US history, thus The Fog of War was made. The movie was set up in 11 lessons. However, I only found three to be completely reasonable. The first lesson that is highlighted in Morris film is that which says to empathize with your

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Edm Influence Free Essays

In the last decade Electronic Dance Music, or EDM, has made a complete 180 in the United States. It has shifted from a genre that was mostly underground with few listeners into popular music. Not only has it begun to top billboards, but it has influenced artists of many other genres to â€Å"hop on the bandwagon† and begin using it in their songs as well. We will write a custom essay sample on Edm Influence or any similar topic only for you Order Now From commercials to theme songs of popular television programs, the influx of EDM can be seen throughout American society. One of the biggest changes EDM has brought to the music industry is that due to most of the artists’ knowledge of computers, not to mention the day and age we live in where we are all connected over the internet, they are able to take advantage of communicating and promoting over the internet to reach out to their fans. This allows these artists to listen to their fans and give them what they are asking for. Contrary to the EDM artists, many rock and pop artists have â€Å"used and abused them [fans], sold them overpriced CDs, tried to sell them music they didn’t like by using stupid gimmicks† (Doherty) causing them to lose their foothold on the charts and allow EDM to step right in. The influences of EDM can also be seen by looking at pop artist and the way their songs have begun using more electric beats and styles. â€Å"Katy Perry’s ‘Fireworks’ and Rihanna’s ‘Only Girl’ [were] both co-produced† (Doherty) by electro-house artists and one of Britney Spears’ newer songs, ‘Hold It Against Me,’ also included signs of dubstep. On Jay-Z and Kanye West’s collaborative album ‘Watch the Throne’ the song ‘Who Gon Stop Me’ has a sample from a very popular EDM song by Flux Pavilion called ‘I Can’t Stop. ’ The most surprising influence of EDM on an artist, however, can be placed on Taylor Swift. In her new album ‘Red’ she has a song called ‘22’ which features many electronic and upbeat rhythms in it. These are only a few of the many artists that have incorporated electronic music into their songs and in doing so helped to render EDM even more widespread and dominant in today’s music industry. EDM also has begun showing up in music festivals, on television, and in movies. â€Å"It’s artists headline huge festivals†¦ its hooks soundtrack commercials; its textures bolster movie scenes† (Doherty). The EDM music festivals have grown very popular in the last decade, Deadmau5, a famous EDM Dj, compares one of these festivals in the 90’s to one a few years ago and recalls â€Å"[there were] only about 4-5000 people, but it was huge at the time. You go out to L. A. now, to Gary Richards’ Hard parties — he gets 20-40,000. The Dj’s are bringing a visual and physical experience for the audience during these festivals by having laser shows and visual graphics appear while their music plays. Television commercials have also started to embrace this trend. Microsoft included and promoted Alex Clare’s ‘Too Close’ in their commercial for the new Internet Explorer. This commercial boosted Alex Clare’s career, before the commercial he was only known in the U. K. In a final form of media the movies have also assimilated EDM into their soundtracks. ‘Tron: Legacy’ had a soundtrack that was almost entirely devoted to EDM. Because of all this assimilations into mass media of all forms, EDM’s influence in the United States has only grown more rapidly and stronger. It seems that one cannot go a day without hearing a song under this genre; it surrounds and influences pop culture every day. Similar to rock and roll in the 1950’s, EDM has experienced demonization from parents and threats of legislation over the concern â€Å"fueled by concern over the ecstasy-related deaths. † These laws see â€Å"electronic music itself as a gateway to social degradation† (Doherty) and seek to disassemble EDM. According to Josh Glazer, editor of URB magazine, â€Å"It may cause a cooling down period, but in the end, electronic music, festivals, etc. , are simply not something that will ever be halted. There is both too much demand and too much economic incentive. † If the law were to shut down EDM then many business and individuals would be left bankrupt or jobless. Although this may seem dismal and unfair in the present, rock and roll received the same kind of â€Å"critique which now seems quaint and ridiculous. † In conclusion EDM has brought about many social and cultural effects due to the changes it created to the industry. Through its artists’ computer knowledge they have brought about a greater fan/artist connection along with allowing any aspiring artist the ability to create his/her own music just by downloading different software. Finally EDM has influenced mainstream pop artists, directors, and marketing agencies to incorporate a more electrical and up beat sound to their music, ads, or movies because it appeals to the young audiences. How to cite Edm Influence, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Most people enjoy Comedy. Come... free essay sample

Most people enjoy Comedy. Comedy is an professional entertainment that is meant to make the audiences laugh. Comedy keeps people entertained and relaxes people who are willing to escape from their stressful life. The Spy Next Door is an amusing action movie that is appropriate for all ages. Even though the movie got poor ratings for its unappealing plot which was written by three people, majority of teens and children gave The Spy Next Door a rating of 4/5. However, when I watched this movie for the second time, things that I did not bother to care when I was a 9-year old child jumped to my eyes. The children were very disrespectful to adults, and used some inappropriate language such as freakin, Idiots. I could even see some sexual behaviors- Bob and Gillian hug each other and kiss, Farren trying to wear inappropriate clothes to school, and needless to say, some lines from the movie such as If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? Is clearly not suitable for children. We will write a custom essay sample on Most people enjoy Comedy. Come or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition, the movie had way too much humor. Action movies are supposed to be strained but in The Spy Next Door, but the slapstick humors of Jackie Chan made the important scenes seem unimportant. Tension is a critical factor in all movies, and The Spy Next Door did not balance humor and tension. Another spy movie that received a fine rating of a 77 by IMDb, Kingsman: The secret service was a exceptional movie that gained much more popularity than any other movies from 2015.Kingsman: The secret service tells the story of a secret spy organization recruiting a random child to their agencys competitive training system. The reason why it got good rating is because Kingsman used its R rating to its greatest extent by adding outrageous gore and sexual encounters. There are some gory scenes- a man gets cut in half and peoples head bursting, needless to say, the massacre in church. I believe having no extra humors in the movie was a great choice, because I felt that the mood was certainly much more serious while compared to The Spy Next Door, and I could focus more on the story. It seems obvious that Spy is in superior position in terms of ratings from experts. Spy is a unsurpassed movie, it balanced the humor and tension, which is the biggest reason why Spy got a good ratings from users. But what I found myself most appreciating about Spy wasnt just the humorous parts such as Susan naming her fists Cagney and Lacy, funny accents of Aldo, childish spy Rick Ford, Susan telling a Swedish bodyguard to cut off his own manhood and stick it on his forehead like a unicorns horn, disturbing a show to distract the main antagonist, or accidentally mistaking a folded hand towel for an appetizer. Instead, it was how the main heroine changes. Susan Cooper the modest, CIAs top desk-bound analyst, and the unsung hero behind the Agencys most dangerous missions, is finally ge tting some actions. The longer the movie goes on, the more cohesive and less silly the character become. An ordinary secretary working in the basement became a confident super spy out in the field.To conclude, its ridiculous how much fun this movie is, considering it isnt the first spy spoof weve seen. Spy is a film that truly shows Melissa McCarthys prodigious talents, and all without becoming an object of ridicule because of her weight. Once she comes into her own, Susan Cooper is a smart, strategic, and strong super spy.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Fitting Quotations

Fitting Quotations Fitting Quotations Fitting Quotations By Maeve Maddox Incorporating direct quotations effectively is an important writing skill. Here is an example of an ill-fitting quotation in an article about media doctor Mehmet Oz who was recently the subject of a Senate hearing. It’s from an article by Terrence McCoy in The Washington Post (print and digital): â€Å"I recognize that oftentimes they don’t have the scientific muster to present as fact,† Oz said at a U.S. Senate hearing, adding that he â€Å"personally believes in the items I talk about in my show.† One obvious problem with this example is the use of pronouns that don’t go together. Not so obvious is the fact that the quotation differs from what Oz actually said. Quotation marks represent a covenant between writer and reader, a promise that the words enclosed by them are exactly what the person being quoted said. Here’s the original response to Senator McCaskill’s question: I actually do personally believe in the items I talk about in the show. In quoting Oz’s original statement, the writer has fallen into a crack between direct and indirect quotation. The word he is outside the quoted material, but the writer (or editor) has added an -s to believe to make it agree with he. Without noticing that the pronoun I does not fit with the preceding he, the writer adds a my that was not in the original quotation. The writer could have reported the words as an indirect quotation, putting only part of it in quotation marks: he â€Å"personally believes† in the products he talks about in his show. Or, he could have introduced the quotation with a colon: â€Å"I recognize that oftentimes they don’t have the scientific muster to present as fact,† Oz said at a U.S. Senate hearing, adding: â€Å"I actually do personally believe in the items I talk about in the show.† A quotation should not be dropped into an essay or a news article without adequate introduction. It should agree grammatically with surrounding text, reproduce the exact words that were said, and it should not stand alone. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and ToesStory Writing 101Grammatical Case in English

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Sample Short Answer on Soccer for Common Application

Sample Short Answer on Soccer for Common Application College applications often include a short essay that asks you to elaborate on your most meaningful extracurricular activity or work experience. The Common Application used to require a short answer response of 150 words or fewer, and today many schools have retained the short answer in the supplemental essay section. The question will often ask something straight-forward like this: Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. Features of a Weak Short Answer The short answer repeats similar ideas in slightly different words.The essay employs vague language.The response is filled with clichà ©s and predictable language.The response doesnt explain why the activity is important to the author. Short should not be confused with unimportant. When a college has holistic admissions, every piece of the application is important since the admissions folks want to get to know you as a whole person. The short answer needs to convey your passion for something you do, and it should also explain why the activity is important to you. In this sample short answer response, Gwen writes about her passion for soccer, but she makes many common mistakes in the process. Sample Short Answer Response by Gwen Simply put, I love soccer. I love being part of a team of girls who go out there and give their all, heart and soul, in every game. We truly are a family in our team. I love being a part of that family and taking a leadership role, both on and off the field. Soccer has also helped me be a better leader in student organizations and class work, where I take a proactive role. Whether it is a good defensive block or scoring the winning goal, soccer is an empowering part of my life, and I would not be the person I am today without it. Critique of Gwens Short Answer Response Gwens short answer response is not terrible- the language is easy to read and Gwens love of soccer comes across forcefully. However, Gwens response does have several problems: The language is repetitive. Gwen says I love three times, and she repeats the ideas of family and leadership twice.The languge is vague. What does Gwen mean when she says she takes a proactive role? What is her leadership role? What exactly does she mean when she says soccer made her the person I am today?Some language is clichà ©. Phrases like heart and soul and scoring the winning goal appear in far too many essays about sports.The response is short and doesnt say much. The typical 150-word limit isnt much space in which to elaborate on an activity, yet Gwens response is just 540 characters/108 words (and, as noted, those words are repetitive and vague). Gwen hasnt used the short answer to her advantage. Gwen does sound like a perfectly pleasant and enthusiastic student who works well with a team, but her response could be so much stronger. We finish her short answer response without a clear sense of the type of leader she is or what leadership roles she has assumed. Theres nothing concrete here to illustrate how soccer has made her a stronger person and better student. A Final Word on Short Answer Responses To see what a stronger short answer response looks like, be sure to check out Christies essay on running and Joels response on his job at Burger King. Christies response shows how an athletic activity can be presented more effectively than Gwen does, and Joel shows how a relatively unenjoyable activity- a fast food job- can still prove meaningful and valuable. Dont be misled by the word short. You should put plenty of time and care into this type of little essay. Work to follow the guidelines for a winning short answer, and be sure to steer clear of common short answer mistakes.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Consumer Privacy (Marketing Planning and Strategy) 2 Assignment

Consumer Privacy (Marketing Planning and Strategy) 2 - Assignment Example On the other hand, in the off-line sphere, the client has a chance to know the firm, personnel, or company that is on the receiving end as well as accepting or declining the idea to share their personal data. One can still argue that transmission of personal data in the offline world also travels by electronic means in numerous cases. For instance, the act of making a transaction with a credit card similarly involves data transmission electronically sometimes in the transaction. The difference is that the client is initially meddling with a firm or an individual. Although this does not alleviate the risks experienced by the consumer, it presents some real knowledge of the firm, or persons involved in the given transaction (Spiekermann, Grossklags & Berendt, 2001). From the above discussion, it is more rational to state that online world creates more privacy issues than offline. This is due to safety issues, since privacy information in a given database that was hacked or infiltrated might be utilized for criminal activities, a factor not possible in offline world (Ribbink et al, 2004). Spiekermann, S., Grossklags, J., & Berendt, B. (2001). E-privacy in 2nd generation E- commerce: privacy preferences versus actual behavior. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM conference on Electronic Commerce (pp. 38-47).

Sunday, February 2, 2020

MEDICAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MEDICAL - Essay Example The Dermatology department deals primarily with skin diseases, their symptoms, and other disorders that manifest with skin symptoms. The most common cases are those of contact dermatitis, acne, and atopic dermatitis. Additionally, the Dermatology department deals with less common benign neoplasms and malignant melanomas. The department consists of the dermatitis treatment team, made up of world-class allergists, the dermatological surgery team, who operate on neoplasms and melanomas that require removal, and the laser clinic, who primarily focus on cosmetic treatments such as hair removal. We have recently obtained equipment for ultraviolet radiation therapy, which is a safer and faster treatment for skin conditions that can be managed with exposure to sunlight. Our oncology department has been growing by leaps and bounds in the past year. The department now contains a pediatric oncology clinic and a breast health center, in addition to our existing radiation treatment clinic, chemot herapy clinic, oncological operating room, breast cancer treatment clinic, and palliative care clinic. We also cross-treat with the cancer clinics within each of the other major departments. Our most common cases are generally breast cancer and gynecological cancers, but the presenting cases are so widely varied that it is difficult to pin down what are the most treated. Radiation therapies we offer include both brachytherapy and external beam treatments. The side effects of these treatments are the obvious reason for the palliative care needed, as many of the patients suffer greatly, and additionally, a patient receiving brachytherapy can stay in one of our shielded rooms to avoid exposing others to their radioactivity. We also offer alternative treatments including ozone therapy, UV therapy, and nutritional guidance including supplements that may help improve a patient's comfort level. The Gastroenterology department primarily deals with three common conditions: gastroesophageal r eflux, ulcers, and colorectal cancer. Reflux and ulcers are diagnosed by our specialists in endoscopy and esophageal manometry. We can treat extreme cases in our gastrointestinal surgery clinic, which is also used to treat patients with colorectal cancer. The other major responsibility of the gastroenterology department is to diagnose chest pain that has been determined to be non-cardiac in origin. In addition, we have equipment for a variety of treatments, including small bowel enteroscopy, laser endoscopy, endoscopic ultrasounds, and gastric acid secretory analysis. The Pulmonary department deals with many of the critical care cases that come through the hospital doors. We treat cases as varied as cystic fibrosis control, environmental lung disease, pulmonary hypertension and vascular disease, acute injuries, embolisms, COPD, and asthma. Departmental specialists include pulmonary radiologists, surgeons, oncologists, pathologists and allergists, in order to image, diagnose, and tre at the patients of the department. The department offers diagnostic testing of bronchoscopy, exercise stress testing, catheterization, and functional testing. We also have equipment for sleep apnea testing for the patients to take home overnight, and a surgical department for trauma cases. The Cardiology department deals with heart disease cases, primarily focusing on acute chest pain diagnosis. We also have an

Saturday, January 25, 2020

andersonville :: essays research papers

Prisoners began arriving at the prison in late February of 1864 and by early June the prison population had climbed to 20,000. Consequently, it was decided that a larger prison was necessary, and by mid-June work was begun to enlarge the prison. The prison's walls were extended 610 feet to the north, encompassing an area of roughly 10 acres, bringing the total prison area to 26.5 acres. The extension was built by a crew of Union prisoners consisting of 100 whites and 30 African Americans in about 14 days. On July 1, the northern extension was opened to the prisoners who subsequently tore down the original north stockade wall, then used the timbers for fuel and building materials. By August, over 33,000 Union prisoners were held in the 26.5 acre prison. Due to the threat of Union raids (Sherman's troops were marching on Atlanta), General Winder ordered the building of defensive earthworks and a middle and outer stockade around the prison. Construction of the earthworks began July 20th. These earthworks consisted of Star Fort located southwest of the prison, a redoubt located northwest of the north gate, and six redans. The middle and outer stockades were hastily constructed of unhewn pine logs set vertically in wall trenches that were about four feet deep. The middle stockade posts projected roughly 12 feet above the ground surface and encircled the inner prison stockade as well as the corner redans. The outer stockade, which was never completed, was meant to encompass the entire complex of earthworks and stockades. The posts of the outer stockade extended about five feet above the ground surface. By early September, Sherman's troops had occupied Atlanta and the threat of Union raids on Andersonville prompted the transfer of most of the Union prisoners to other camps in Georgia and South Carolina. By mid-November, all but about 1500 prisoners had been shipped out of Andersonville, and only a few guards remained to police them. Transfers to Andersonville in late December increased the numbers of prisoners once again, but even then the prison population totaled only about 5000 persons. The number of prisoners at the prison would remain this low until the war ended in April of 1865. During the 15 months during which Andersonville was operated, almost 13,000 Union prisoners died there of malnutrition, exposure, and disease; Andersonville became synonymous with the attrocities which both North and South soldiers experienced as

Friday, January 17, 2020

Causes of Tsunamis

sunami: the Great Waves Tsunami is a Japanese word with the English translation, â€Å"harbor wave. † Represented by two characters, the top character, â€Å"tsu,† means harbor, while the bottom character, â€Å"nami,† means â€Å"wave. † In the past, tsunamis were sometimes referred to as â€Å"tidal waves† by the general public, and as â€Å"seismic sea waves† by the scientific community. The term â€Å"tidal wave† is a misnomer; although a tsunami's impact upon a coastline is dependent upon the tidal level at the time a tsunami strikes, tsunamis are unrelated to the tides. Tides result from the imbalanced, extraterrestrial, gravitational influences of the moon, sun, and planets. The term â€Å"seismic sea wave† is also misleading. â€Å"Seismic† implies an earthquake-related generation mechanism, but a tsunami can also be caused by a nonseismic event, such as a landslide or meteorite impact. Tsunamis are a threat to life and property to anyone living near the ocean. For example, in 1992 and 1993 over 2,000 people were killed by tsunamis occurring in Nicaragua, Indonesia and Japan. Property damage was nearly one billion dollars. The 1960 Chile Earthquake generated a Pacific-wide tsunami that caused widespread death and destruction in Chile, Hawaii, Japan and other areas in the Pacific. Large tsunamis have been known to rise over 100 feet, while tsunamis 10 to 20 feet high can be very destructive and cause many deaths and injuries. What Cause Tsunamis? Tsunamis, also called seismic sea waves or, incorrectly, tidal waves, generally are caused by earthquakes, less commonly by submarine landslides, infrequently by submarine volcanic eruptions and very rarely by a large meteorite impact in the ocean. Submarine volcanic eruptions have the potential to produce truly awesome tsunami waves. The Great Krakatau Volcanic Eruption of 1883 generated giant waves reaching heights of 125 feet above sea-level, killing thousands of people and wiping out numerous coastal villages. Ring of Fire About two-thirds of the earth is covered by the waters of the four oceans. The Pacific Ocean is the world's largest, covering more than one third of the total surface area of our planet. The Pacific Ocean is surrounded by a series of mountain chains, deep ocean trenches and island arcs, sometimes called a â€Å"ring of fire. † The great size of the Pacific Ocean and the large earthquakes associated with the â€Å"ring of fire† combine to produce deadly tsunamis. Tsunamis on the Move Wave Height and Water Depth In the open ocean a tsunami is less than a few feet high at the surface, but its wave height increases rapidly in shallow water. Tsunamis wave energy extends from the surface to the bottom in the deepest waters. As the tsunami attacks the coastline, the wave energy is compressed into a much shorter distance creating destructive, live-threatening waves. In the deep ocean, destructive tsunamis can be small–often only a few feet or less in height–and cannot be seen nor can they be felt by ships. But, as the tsunami reaches shallower coastal waters, wave height can increase rapidly. Sometimes, coastal waters are drawn out into the ocean just before the tsunami strikes. When this occurs, more shoreline may be exposed than even at the lowest tide. This major withdrawal of the sea should be taken as a warning of the tsunami waves that will follow How Fast? Where the ocean is over 20,000 feet deep, unnoticed tsunami waves can travel at the speed of a commercial jet plane, nearly 600 miles per hour. They can move from one side of the Pacific Ocean to the other in less than a day. This great speed makes it important to be aware of the tsunami as soon as it is generated. Scientists can predict when a tsunami will arrive since the speed of the waves varies with the square root of the water depth. Tsunamis travel much slower in shallower coastal waters where their wave heights begin to increase dramatically. How Big? Offshore and coastal features can determine the size and impact of tsunami waves. Reefs, bays, entrances to rivers, undersea features and the slop of the beach all help to modify the tsunami as it attacks the coastline. When the tsunami reaches the coast and moves inland, the water level can rise many feet. In extreme cases, water level has risen to more than 50 feet for tsunamis of distant origin and over 100 feet for tsunami waves generated near the earthquake's epicenter. The first wave may not be the largest in the series of waves. One coastal community may see no damaging wave activity while in another community destructive waves can be large and violent. The flooding can extend inland by 1000 feet or more, covering large expanses of land with water and debris.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Process Analysis in Composition

In composition, process analysis is a method of paragraph or essay development by which a writer explains step by step how something is done or how to do something. Process analysis writing can take one of two forms, depending on the topic:   Information about how something works (informative)  An explanation of how to do something (directive). An informative process analysis is usually written in the third-person point of view; a  directive process analysis is usually written in the second person. In both forms, the steps are typically organized in chronological order--that is, the order in which the steps are carried out. Examples and Observations Planning a good process analysis requires the writer to include all the essential steps. Be sure you have all the tools or ingredients needed. Arrange the steps in the correct sequence. Like all good writing, a process essay requires a thesis to tell the reader the significance of the process. The writer can tell the reader how to do something, but also should inform the reader about the usefulness or importance of the endeavor.(G. H. Muller and H. S. Wiener, The Short Prose Reader. McGraw-Hill, 2006)Reviewing Your ProcessWhen you revise your process writing, think about the people who will be reading it. Ask yourself these questions:(Robert Funk, et al., The Simon and Schuster Short Prose Reader, 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, 2000)Have I chosen the best starting point? Think about how much your audience already knows before you decide where to begin describing the process. Dont assume your readers have background knowledge that they may not have.Have I provided enough definitions of terms?   Have I been specific enough in the details?Example: How to Remove Chewing Gum From Hair(Joshua Piven et al., The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Parenting. Chronicle Books, 2003)Prepare an ice sack.Place several cubes of ice in a plastic bag or thin cloth. Seal or hold it closed.Apply an ice pack to hair.Move the affected hair away from the scalp and press the ice against the gum for 15 to 30 minutes or until the gum freezes solid. Use a rubber glove or a dry washcloth to hold the ice compress if your hand becomes chilled.Crack the frozen gum into pieces.With one hand, hold the stuck section of the hair between the gum clot and the scalp, and break the frozen gum into small pieces.Remove the gum.Gently pull the frozen gum pieces from the hair using your other hand. If the warmth of your hand begins to melt the gum, refreeze and repeat until all the gum has been removed from the hair.Example: How to Mark a BookThere are all kinds of devices for marking a book intelligently and fruitfully. Heres the way I do it:(Mortimer Adler, How to Mark a Book. Saturday Review, July 6, 1940)Underlining: of major points, of important or forceful statements.Vertical lines at the margin: to emphasize a statement already underlined.Star, asterisk, or another doo-dad at the margin: to be used sparingly, to emphasize the ten or twenty most important statements in the book. . . .Numbers in the margin: to indicate the sequence of points the author makes in developing a single argument.Numbers of other pages in the margin: to indicate where else in the book the author made points relevant to the point marked; to tie up the ideas in a book, which, though they may be separated by many pages, belong together.Circling of keywords or phrases.Writing in the margin, or at the top or bottom of the page, for the sake of: recording questions (and perhaps answers) which a passage raised in your mind; reducing a complicated discussion to a simple statement; recording the sequence of ma jor points right through the book. I use the end-papers at the back of the book to make a personal index of the authors points in the order of their appearance.Izaak Walton on How to Dress a Large Chub (1676)[I]f he be a large Chub, then dress him thus:First scale him, and then wash him clean, and then take out his guts; and to that end make the hole as little and near to his gills as you may conveniently, and especially make clean his throat from the grass and weeds that are usually in it (for if that be not very clean, it will make him to taste very sour); having so done, put some sweet herbs into his belly, and then tie him with two or three splinters to a spit, and roast him, basted often with vinegar, or rather verjuice and butter, with good store of salt mixt with it.Being thus drest, you will find him a much better dish of meat than you, or most folk, even than Anglers themselves do imagine; for this dries up the fluid watery humor with which all Chubs do abound.But take this rule with you, that a Chub newly taken and newly drest, is so much better than a Chub of a days keeping after he is dead, that I can compare him to nothing so fitly as to Cherries newly gathered from a tree, and others that have been bruised and lain a day or two in water. Being thus used and drest presently, and not washt after he is gutted (for note that lying long in water, and washing the blood out of the Fish after they be gutted, abates much of their sweetness), you will find the Chub to be such meat as will recompense your labour.(Izaak Walton, The Compleat Angler, 5th edition, 1676)The Limitations of LanguageThose who think they are testing a boys elementary command of English by asking him to describe in words how one ties ones tie or what a pair of scissors is like, are far astray. For precisely what language can hardly do at all, and never does well, is to inform us about complex physical shapes and movements. . . . Hence we never in real life voluntarily use language fo r this purpose; we draw a diagram or go through pantomimic gestures.(C.S. Lewis, Studies in Words, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 1967)The Lighter Side of Process Analysis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How to Make a Swing With No Rope or Board or NailsFirst grow a moustacheA hundred inches long,Then loop it over a hickry limb(Make sure the limb is strong).Now pull yourself up off the groundAnd wait until the spring--Then swing!(Shel Silverstein, How to Make a Swing With No Rope or Board or Nails. A Light in the Attic.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  HarperCollins, 1981) How to Pack a Suit So It Wont Come Out Wrinkled   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lay the suit on its back on a flat surface such as a tennis court. Take the sleeves and place  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  them at the side. Take the left sleeve and place it on the suits hip, and hold the right sleeve  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  over the suits head as though the suit is waving in a jaunty manner. Now put both sleeves  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  straight up over the suits head and shout, Touchdown! Ha ha! Isnt this fun? You may feel  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  silly, but trust me, youre not half as silly as the people who think they can fold a suit so it wont  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  come out wrinkled.(Dave Barry, Dave Barrys Only Travel Guide Youll Ever Need. Ballantine Books, 1991)